Meopta Meopro Optika6 3-18x56RD SFP is an affordable and high-performance rifle scope for birdwatching, small game sighting or deer hunting. From the 3x magnification to 18x, the sight picture remains of high quality. The quick adjustment of the scope is facilitated by the throw lever that comes with the scope, i.e. the magnification adjustment lever. The large size of the controls makes use substantially easier. The frame tube of the binoculars is 30 mm. In the center of the 4K reticle is a stepwise adjustable light reticle that adjusts depending on the conditions to suit the shooter. The 4K reticle is especially suitable for those who want plenty of space in the central area of the target image. In the binoculars, the adjustment tower can be reset and the parallax can be adjusted.
Meopta Meopro Optika6 scopes have a 10-year warranty!
Field of view – m@100m 11.1/1.9
Effect of adjustment click – cm@100m 0.7
Eye distance – mm 100
Dioptric correction -2 / 2 D
Weight – 865grams
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