The Rock Chucker Supreme Master Reloading Kit has long been the king of reloading kits. We took the benchmark of single stage presses (Rock Chucker Supreme) and surrounded it with the equipment you need (except dies and shell holders) to start handloading ammunition like a pro.
Rock Chucker Supreme
The backbone of this reloading kit is the legendary Rock Chucker Supreme single stage press. It combines easy operation, ambidextrous handle, outstanding strength, and versatility to earn that coveted spot on your reloading bench. Featuring a spacious 4.25″ loading window that is perfectly suited for loading longer magnum and a central pivot design that provides outstanding leverage to size the toughest cases.
Includes The Uniflow Powder Measure III
The Uniflow-III Powder Measure is the most accurate Uniflow that RCBS has ever produced. The UPM-III throws consistently accurate charges reload after reload. The exacting tight tolerance allow powder to pour uniformly from the measuring cylinder and into a case, thereby eliminating the hazards of overloads caused by clogging when charges are dumped.
Comes With The M500 Mechanical Scale
Featuring a proven two-poise design that lets you weigh up to 505 grains with +/-0.1-grain accuracy, the RCBS M500 Sale also offers RCBS‘ magnetic damping system for fast readings, and maintenance-free movement.
Also Includes Our Hand Priming Tool
The RCBS Hand Priming Tool not only seats primers quickly, a safety mechanism separates the seating operation from the primer supply to reduce the risk of tray detonation.
Rock Chucker Supreme reloading kit includes:
- Rock Chucker Supreme Press
- Uniflow-III Powder Measure
- M500 Mechanical Scale
- Hand Priming Tool
- .17-.60 Debur Tool
- Accessory Handle – 2 with two case neck brushes
- Universal Case Loading Block
- Hex Key Set
- Case Lube Kit
- Powder Funnel
- Speer Reloading Manual
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